Most people think about vending machines but they do not appreciate the history that goes with them. Contrary to what one feel, the invention of vending machine can actually trace their roots back to 215 B.C when Hero, a Greek mathematician invented a holy water dispensing machine for a price.
These early vending machines actually were placed at Egyptian temples where pilgrims would get their holy water for a pay. The way it worked was ingenious, once the coin was rolled into a tray that caught it to activate a lever. The lever then triggered and poured a measured amount of holy water. The coin would in due course slip off the tray making the lever to reset by itself and the water stops pouring until another coin was inserted. Strangely despite this appreciable and useful invention it did not get its popularity and disappeared till the late 1880s.
It was in Britain where the first vending machine sparked the interest of the public in the early 1880s and it was a model to sell postcards. During almost the same time, in 1888, it spread to the United States, but this time to sell gum. Usually placed on the platforms of railway stations, ten years later it started attractive public by motion figures. It started working well and incremented the application of the machines at many other public places.
In 1920 soft drink vending machines began to take stage and cigarette dispensers were introduced by 1926. There was no stopping after that and manufactures and distributors saw the advantages of having machines that could sell their merchandise 365 days a year, seven days a week twenty four hours a day with bare minimum maintenance cost. They realized the features that these convenient retailing machines work daily, with no holidays or sick leave and they present and keep the merchandise in front of the customers at all times. They do not argue with employers, never fail to show up for work because of a hangover. The vending machine was here to stay!
As time passed, vending machines has become common retailing medium selling water and candies to contraceptives and diamonds. A few most popular FMCG brands that has embraced vending machines are Coca Cola, Pepsi, Red Bull, Power Horse, Snickers, Mars, KitKat, Lipton, Starbucks, etc…
At present, we have focused towards the fast moving product ranges such as Soft Drink Vending Machines, Coffee Vending Machines, Ice Cream Vending Machines, Snack Vending Machines, Candy Vending Machines, Magazine Vending Machine and Combo Vending Machine. Though we don't maintain a stock of the other types of vending machines, we are associated with an extensive source of leading vending machine suppliers from different part of the world, thanks to the prompt attendance of our Chief Consultant at the various international venues of Vending Machine exhibitions, which keeps us informed about new products as well.
InstoreMasters, is the only high ranking eMarketplace portal for BTL solutions and other advertising and media related products and services in the Middle East, North Africa and South East Asia region. Our domain include Dubai, UAE l Riyadh, Saudi Arabia l Kuwait l Jeddah, KSA l Manama, Bahrain l Doha, Qatar l Cairo, Egypt l Beirut, Lebanon l Amman, Jordan l Damascus, Syria l Istanbul, Turkey l Tehran, Iran l Baghdad, Iraq l Khartoum, Sudan l Lagos, Nigeria l Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, India l Moscow, Russia l Dhaka, Bangladesh l Colombo, Srilanka l Karachi, Pakistan. We have strategically partnered with leading manufacturers of Kiosks and Vending Machines in the European Union (EU), US and the Far East to facilitate comprehensive solution with no-nonsense competitive prices based on the specific requirements of our clientele.